Fodor's sends you behind the scenes to see the country and culture popular destinations through the eyes of the people who live there. 1. FODOR'S VIDEOS: AUSTRALIAN - Travel the breadth of this far-flung continent, starting in Sydney, then continuing to Melbourne, the island states of Tasmania and Adelaide.. Learn about life in the outback, the Kakadu National Park and the Daintree Rain Forest. Then visit Ayers Rock in the sacred land of the aborigines. #1435 2. FODOR'S VIDEOS: BANGKOK - Begin your visit to Bangkok by viewing the ornate architecture of the Grand Palace. Visit the Thai cooking school and tempt yourself with artistically prepared authentic dishes. See the Wat Pho University where Buddhist monks live and teach.. Visit Thailand's floating markets. Travel on the canals called "klongs" for an intimate view of the Thai people at work and play. #1436 3. FODOR'S VIDEOS: FRANCE - Tour Paris neighborhoods, then see the monumental grandeur of Versailles. Visit wineries in Bordeaux and Champagne and the majestic castles of the Loire. Meet the Queen of the Jasmine Festival in Grasse and Pierre Cardin before visiting Europe's highest mountain, Mont Blanc, and the Cote d'Azur. #1437 4. FODOR'S VIDEOS: GERMANY - Journey to the hidden corners of this crossroads country where Eastern and Western Europe meld. See Berlin and Heidlberg's University before turning toward the beautiful Black Forest and Hohenzollern Castle nearby. Visit the site of the Potsdam Conference before proceeding down the Rhine with its picturesque castles. #1438 5. FODOR'S VIDEOS: GREAT BRITAIN - Begin in London's Piccadilly Circus to view the statue of Eros and then on to Traflagar Square to survey the 100 foot column memorial. Enter trendy Covent Garden with its vast array of shops, restaurants, musicians, mimes and artists See Oxford, the oldest university in England. Finally, journey to Scotland on horseback to view some of the most spectacular scenery in Europe. #1439 6. FODOR'S VIDEOS: HAWAII - Luxuriate in the accommodations of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel and walk on the romantic beaches of Waikiki. Visit Honolulu's world-famous Bishop Museum. Discover the ancient sport of outrigger canoeing Visit Maui, the windsurfing capital of Hawaii. Catch a marlin in the world-famous waters off the Kona Coast. Then, witness the awesome Waimea Canyon and the stupendous Na Pali Coast. #1440 7. FODOR'S VIDEOS: HUNGARY - Join travel legend, Eugene Fodor, on a journey to his native homeland of Hungary. Delight in the historic music, operas and concerts of Budapest. Travel to Lake Heviz, Europe's largest spring-fed lake. Meet the famous Hungarian cowboys.. Tour Sopron, a picturesque town, closely linked to the music of Schubert, Brahms and Mendelsohn. #1441 8. FODOR'S VIDEOS: ITALY - Marvel at the ruins of the Roman Forum, the shimmering lagoons of Venice and the Gaiety of Capri See the feast of San Gennaro and the ancient street of Pompeii Watch wine-making preparations in Chianti country. Discover Florence's Uffizi Museum and visit Milan to see treasures like La Scala and the venerable cathedral. #1442 9. FODOR'S VIDEOS: MEXICO - Begin in Mexico City, and explore the Zona Rosa district with its European charm. Explore the national Museums of Anthropology and History, considered among the most beautiful public building on Earth. See the Pyramid of the Sun then travel to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico's world-class resort, or Cancun with its white sandy beaches. #1443 10. FODOR'S VIDEOS: SINGAPORE - Explore the bustling island of Singapore. Visit the exotic Singapore Zoo, with its open design that allows animals to run free. Discover the famous Jurong Bird Park and walk through a gigantic aviary. Drop in for the show at the legendary Raffles Hotel and indulge in a "Singapore Sling" Enjoy the world-famous Singapore Symphony or seek out the ancient art form of Chinese opera. #1444 11. FODOR'S VIDEOS: SPAIN - Discover the multifaceted character of the Spanish people and Spain's most revered cities.....Segovia, Salmanca, Toledo, Granada, Madrid and of course Barcelona.. See Seville's Feria festival, the splendors of the Royal Palace, and the memorable exhibits at the Salvador Dali Museum. #1445 ************************************ TO ORDER, any of the listed video's E-mail the TITLE and ITEM NUMBER to or TO GET COMPLETE VIDEO CATALOG E-mail: or This file is uploaded by GLOBE TREK a travel video mail order company. Our complete video catalog lists hundreds of travel & travel related videos. E-mail us for your copy of the catalog.